Thursday, January 22, 2009

Virus Identified JS/Psyme.QM

Virus Identified JS/Psyme.QM

I spent ages downloading and running all the spyware and anitvirus apps but finally came to the conclusion that the first was not on my computer but was trying to download itself to my computer and AVG was doing a good job to stopping it.

Looked at all the help files on how to remove it but that was useless cause it wasn't on my computer.

It only happened when I opened IE. So I figured it was because of opening IE. Ran HiJackThis, deleted all my tempory files, java scripts and cookies. that was a waste of time..

It was the website that I had set as my default page. I really should have this at the top of the page but I'm sure no one will read this.

The JS/Psyme.QM was trying to download itself to my computer. It was on the websites index.htm page at the bottom

A simple One line tutorial would be helpfully. Remve the script from the index files and it will be fine.
Removed the iframe virus code from all the index pages. It seems to have been the victim of malicious iframe attack. Hacker have inserted codes into your index page accessing upon which will redirect to a malicious Web site and will result in download of virus to the visitors machine.

Post a comment if this was usefully.

Alert Driving School

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